Thursday, March 20, 2008


So,I finally got my hands on Colors for the DS:
I feel a little less guilty carrying it around knowing I could be drawing instead of playing games, I hope to post more of them, sadly I find myself sleeping more than anything else when I'm on the train, so I don't expect these to come flowing's a few doodles with it, most of them guessed it forever unfinished...


Albert said...

Ask not for whom the DS tolls, for it tolls for YOU!

George said...

Oh man, are those the rogues?

Keith Conroy said...

Damn right, this DS is MY bitch.

Yes those are the rogues, wit epics.

Thanks Adrian, yeah the DS is a pain to draw, I hope to get better at utilizing it.

Albert said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Albert said...

I went out and got a tattoo of your DS drawings on my ass (to cover up the old WarStrike tatt that was there).

p.s. Yes, I deleted a comment again. This time it was missing a parenthesis.

Tony DiStefano said...

Nice work Keith!The Card game work
is wonderful.I really like the old
Jedi drawing,beautiful!Are you the same keith that worked with me on stanley 1000 years ago?

George said...

Adrian, you should see Keith's cave drawings.

The man knows how to etch in a lionsaur toga.