Thursday, September 04, 2008


Well Seeing as Albert has commented 3x's on my last post I figure it might be time to throw something else on. Here's an unused card design that I still kinda like.


Tony DiStefano said...

This is really good Keith.Great flow and composition.Did you do this on the cintiq?

aris said...

That another beautiful environment. Tremendous. You have always been the MAN with pen and paper.

Keith Conroy said...

Thanks Tony, yup, this was a cintiq drawing, one of the perks is that you can really take a sketch and bump it up to a marker comp type drawing.

Thanks Aris-now I'm working on the digital medium! Though I still love the feel of pencil on paper, digital makes for faster corrections!

Albert said...

Skeleton Springs... a great place to visit if you like beautiful wastelands. I was surprised that it was digital... has that pure and sexy non-digital feel.